Can I Add My Podcast Rss Feed to Blogger

How to Create Podcast Feed From Blogger

Max holds a B.S. in mass communications from SIU, an M.A. in communications from U of I, and is pursuing an MBA from Webster University.

A Blogger blog is a nice, free option for giving you a place to feed your podcast from. To feed a podcast from your Blogger blog, you'll need to make a few configuration tweaks in the Settings section of your blog. You'll also need to set up an RSS feed for your podcast, which I'll walk through how to do on Feedburner.

Before You Can Feed Your Podcast from Blogger

You need to have recorded a podcast and have the final version of that podcast hosted somewhere. You'll need to have the URL associated with where your podcast MP3 is located at the location where you're hosting it. If you're not currently hosting your podcast anywhere and you're looking for a free option to get you up and running, I've posted another article that walks you through how to host your podcast MP3s for free at

Additionally, you'll need to have already set up a blog on Blogger.

Setting Up Your Podcast Feed from Blogger

  1. Navigate to the Home page for your Blogger blog and then click "Settings."
  2. Click "Other" in the Settings menu.
  3. On the right side of the screen in the Site Feed section you'll see an option that says Enable Title Links and Enclusure Links. Click that drop-down and then set it to Yes.
  4. Click "Save Settings" at the top of the screen. We'll come back later to add your post feed redirect URL, which will also be in the Site Feed section.
  5. Click "New Post" if you don't currently have a post set up where you want to feed your first podcast from. Alternatively, if you've already started setting up the post were you want to feed your podcast from, click to open that post.
  6. Add a title in the Title field for your blog post. This will appear as the title for your podcast episode in the various podcatchers that will be picking up your podcast feed.
  7. Enter the show notes for the podcast in the body of your blog post. What you enter here will be presented in podcast players as the description for your podcast episode. Important information to include in the show notes is a high-level summary of what you discuss in this episode of your podcast. Include a list of links to anything you reference in your podcast. If you have illustrations, plug those in. Do not use foul language. If you'll be submitting your podcast to Apple's iTunes, do not use the following words: Apple Inc, iTunes, or iTunes Store; Apple will remove your podcast from iTunes if they find you've done that.
  8. Click "Post Settings" and then click "Label" on the right side of the screen. Type "podcast" as one of your labels. Click "Done" in that section.
  9. Click "Links." Click the first blank field beneath "Enclosure Links" and then past the URL that's associated with where your podcast lives at the location where you're hosting it.
  10. Click "Done" in that section, then save and publish your blog post.
  11. Navigate to in your Web browser and log in to the site. If you don't have an account, you'll need to set one up.
  12. Even if you have an existing feed for your blog, you'll need to set up a new one for your podcast. You can do this by navigating to the Feedburner home screen, plugging the URL for your blog into the blank field beneath "Burn a feed right this instant," click to check the box next to "I am a podcaster" and then click "Next." Do not modify the Original Feed field.
  13. In the Feed Title field on the next screen, enter a name for your podcast feed. I would strongly recommend that whatever you plug into this field ends in "Podcast."
  14. In the Feed Address field, enter a name in the empty field for your feed address. This should be straight text with no special characters. I would recommend entering the same thing you plugged into the Feed Title field, but without spaces or special characters.
  15. Click "Save Feed Details" directly beneath the Feed Address field. Additionally, make a note of the full URL in the Feed Address field in case we need it later.
  16. Click "Optimize" directly beneath the Save Feed Details button.
  17. Click "SmartCast" on the left side of the screen beneath Services.
  18. Because you're feeding a podcast, click the drop-down to the right of "Create podcast enclosures from links to" and set it to "audio files only."
  19. Click to place a check to the left of "include iTunes podcasting elements."
  20. The other fields in this section are where you'll indicate where the image for your podcast is located, a subtitle for your podcast, a summary for your podcast, keywords, and a contact address. If there is any explicit language in your podcast, you'll need to indicate that in the lower section. After supplying the necessary information in all of the fields, click "Save."
  21. Go back to your Blogger blog and navigate back to Settings/Other/Site Feed. If you do see a URL in the Post Feed Redirect URL field, you don't have to do anything. However, if you don't see a URL in that field, then you need to plug in the URL you copied out from the Feed Address field in Feedburner. Click "Save Settings" if you modified the Post Feed Redirect URL field.

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After Setting Up Your Podcast Feed from Blogger

After you've set up your podcast feed from Blogger, you'll first want to submit your podcast to Apple's iTunes, as there are a large number of podcatchers that pull the podcast they present to users based on what Apple has accepted in iTunes. After your podcast is accepted by Apple and appears on iTunes, you'll need to search the podcast listing on other specific podcatchers to make sure you're podcast is appearing, and if it isn't, you'll need to do some digging to figure out how you get your podcast listed in that specific podcast player.

© 2016 Max Dalton

The Corporate Investor Blog on April 04, 2020:

Beautiful step by step guidance. Thanks a lot. I have used these step by step points to setup my podcast.

Andrei Paraschiv on April 23, 2018:

What URL do I send to itunes?

the ulr in Original Feed:from feedburner doesn't work

apple does not validate it

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