Short Womens Bible Studies Small Group Easy

Looking for the best Bible Studies for Women? Here are 10 great topical studies, women's Bible study books, and daily Bible study books you're sure to love!

Best online Bible studiesIf you've read the Equipping Godly Women website for any length of time now, you know that I'm a huge believer in daily Bible study for women.

Whether that means simply learning how to read the Bible every day, or you actually take the time to dive in deep and learn how to study the Bible, I'm a huge believer in making daily Bible study a priority.

In fact, I even created a Quiet Time Planning Guide to help busy Christian women just like you get in the habit — no matter how busy you are!

Up until this point, however, I've always just read the Bible for myself and by myself.

I mean, sure, I hear it at church too, but I really don't read many women's Bible study books, follow any specific Bible reading plans or participate in any small group studies.

I've tried before… but all the ones I saw just seemed kind of shallow and pointless…

The devotionals I picked up seemed more interested in sharing the author's own encouraging thoughts than trying to study the Bible. Many covered topics that simply weren't relevant to me.

And the Bible studies for women's small groups I had the opportunity to be a part of through my church turned out to be more like "book clubs" than any actual Bible study. Not really worth my time.

But lately, I've been challenged that I need to go deeper in my daily Bible study, so I started to really think about women's Bible studies.

You see, if I'm only reading the Bible through my own perspective and my own prior knowledge, I'm going to be really limited on what new information I can learn. I mean, sure, the Holy Spirit absolutely speaks to us when we read God's Word… But I'm not going to magically know all of the history and backstory that I'd really like to know, just by reading the snapshots the Bible provides…

Women's Bible studies would help me gain the knowledge I am looking for.

So I decided… It's time to do some research. No more of these fluffy devotionals. I need to find the BEST Bible studies for women — Bible studies that truly dive deep, teach Scripture, and have the potential to make a real impact.

So I checked out my local library (they didn't have many Bible studies for women), checked online (I found a lot!), and asked around on the Equipping Godly Women Facebook page for your top recommendations.

And I'm happy to report: I found a lot of GREAT Bible studies for women. (They do exist!)

And because I thought you might be interested in going deeper in your daily Bible study for women as well, I thought I'd share my top recommendations for you here.

*This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps cover the many costs of running this site and allows me to help provide for my growing family. Thank you!

 What to Look for In a Women's Bible Study

What to Look for in a Women's Bible Study

Of course, the BEST Bible study for women that I like may not be a good fit for you. And the BEST Bible studies for you may not be a good fit for me… We're all a bit different in what we already know, what we're going through currently, what topics we're interested in, and what we're looking for.

That's why I included a variety of different topical and Bible study books for women below, so you could choose the one that seems like the best fit for you.

But, that being said, there ARE a few guidelines we can all use when we're choosing a daily Bible study…

That's why I wanted to re-share this post Contributing Writer Leah shared on the Equipping Godly Women blog a couple of weeks ago: What to Look for in a Women's Bible Study.

In it, she shares 3 important qualities every women's Bible study should have, especially if you are working through Bible studies for women's small groups (her second point isn't as crucial if you're reading through your Bible study on your own).

You should check it out if you haven't had a chance to read it already. (But don't forget to come back here when you're done!)

Types of Bible Studies for Women

I also wanted to mention: There are several different types of studies, and not all are created equal.

For example, the main types of Bible studies include:

  • Topical Studies
  • Character Studies
  • Chronological Studies
  • Book Studies
  • Word Studies

(You can learn more about the different types of Bible studies here, if you're interested in the specifics.)

Of these five types of Bible studies, the most common or popular types are the topical study (which gathers verses about a specific topic from all of the Bible) and the book study (which studies a single book or part of a book in order to determine the deeper meaning of the text).

(Unlike Bible reading plans, which just tell you what to read each day, but don't help you unpack and learn more about what you're reading.)

Both topical and book Bible studies can offer a great deal of interesting information and insight as you read through the Bible, and I've included sections for both below.

(As a side note, if you're interested in doing Word Studies, the best resource I've found for this is Bible Study Methods by Arabah Joy. While she doesn't tell you what to believe, she teaches you seven different methods you can use to do Word studies yourself.)

Anyways, without further ado and after much research into the various daily Bible studies out there, here are my top 10 picks for the BEST Best Bible studies for women!

Topical Bible Studies for Women

Topical Bible Studies for women focus on teaching what the Bible has to say concerning one specific topic, and they exist for just about any topic imaginable. For example, popular topics include prayer, grief, God's love, forgiveness, etc.

Finding I Am Bible Study Cover

1. "Finding I AM: How Jesus Fully Satisfies the Cry of Your Heart" by Lysa Terkeurst

In "Finding I AM," popular Bible study teacher and New York Times best-selling author Lysa Terkeurst of Proverbs 31 Ministries leads women on a journey to discover who Jesus really is and how he can help them through their deep spiritual longing with the 7 "I AM" statements of Scripture.

Designed as Bible studies for women's small group (but okay to go through on your own too), this Bible study contains six weeks of group study lessons, five weeks of individual lessons and several videos (sold separately), all designed to help women trade feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is like never before.

Lysa is definitely a women's Bible teacher who knows the Scripture, and this women's Bible study does not disappoint!

If you're looking for Bible study books for women that teach you about Jesus, learn more and grab your copy of "Finding I Am" here.

The Armor of God Bible Study Cover

2. "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer

In, "The Armor of God," popular author, speaker and actress Priscilla Shirer, not only alerts Christian women to the seriousness of spiritual warfare happening around us every day, but also gives women an action plan for serious, specific, and strategic prayer in the face of life's many challenges.

In this 6-week Bible study, Priscilla Shirer helps women identify their own specific current obstacles, before studying the armor of God and learning how to apply it to their own unique situations in a real and powerful way.

This is not just a women's Bible study book, but a hands-on, workbook-style study guide where you'll want to dive in and learn how to apply the Bible's powerful teachings to your own life. Plus, with over 90% 5-star reviews on Amazon, this is one Bible study you're sure to love.

If you're looking for Bible study books for women and then some, learn more grab your copy of "The Armor of God" here.

Seamless Bible Study Cover

3. "Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story" by Angie Smith

Whether you're a brand new baby Christian or you've been doing women's Bible studies for years, it's very easy to get a "disjointed" view of Scripture — to view it as a collection of individual, unrelated stories and lessons rather than the overarching story that it is.

Thankfully, "Seamless" by Angie Smith is designed to address exactly this.

In this seven-session Bible study, Angie Smith explains the people, places and events you need to know to understand the overarching story of the Bible as a whole.

While it isn't an in-depth study of one part of the Bible, it offers an easy-to-read general overview that's perfect for new believers or anyone who doesn't really understand how the different parts of the Old Testament and New Testament fit together.

If you are looking for easy-to-ready Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "Seamless" here.

"Book" Bible Studies for Women

Book studies, on the other hand, take readers through one specific book (or part of a book) of Scripture, drawing conclusions from each verse or passage. While these may or may not deal with one specific topic (so they can feel a bit scattered), these Bible studies do a great job of explaining the passages in their appropriate context.

Here are 7 whole book Bible studies for women you'll definitely want to check out:

He is Enough Bible Study Cover

4. "He is Enough: Living in the Fullness of Jesus (A 6-Week Bible Study of Colossians)" by Asheritah Ciuciu

Designed for busy women who don't always have a lot of time on their hands, Asheritah Ciuciu's "He is Enough" Bible study on the book of Colossians is unique in that it offers women two different options for their daily Bible study.

Each day, you can choose to read a short "snack" of Scripture if you're running low on time, OR you can choose to read a longer, more in-depth passage on those days when you have a little extra time to spare. This means that even on those days when life is crazy, you never have to miss a day!

Designed to be completed only 5 days a week over the course of 6 weeks, this very doable daily Bible study will show you that He truly IS enough to meet all of our needs, even if we don't have much time to spare!

If you're looking for quick Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "He is Enough" here.

Entrusted Beth Moore Bible Study

5. "Entrusted: a Bible Study of 2 Timothy" by Beth Moore

In "Entrusted: a Bible Study of 2 Timothy," popular best selling author, speaker and prolific Bible teacher Beth Moore uses the lessons taught in 2 Timothy to help Christian women see why mentoring others in the faith is so important.

A bit on the heavy side and featuring lots of homework and additional videos (not included), this group Bible study is best for women who truly want to dive DEEP into the Scriptures together in a way that many short, lighthearted devotionals don't really facilitate.

If you're tired of fluffy Bible studies designed for beginners, and you're ready for an intense learning experience where you will walk away changed, this may be the study for you!

If you're looking for hard-core Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "Entrusted" here.

By the way, "Entrusted" is just one of the MANY books and Bible studies for women Beth Moore has written. You can also find additional books and Bible studies here:

Joshua Winning the Worry Battle Bible Study Cover

6. "Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle" — A Bible Study by Barb Roose

Written for women who worry (isn't that all of us? It's definitely me!),  "Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle" is a Bible study on the book of Joshua designed to help Christian women stop their obsessive worrying for good.

Practical, applicable, and beautiful, this workbook-style Bible study for women is appropriate for both small group and individual study.

(Personally, this is the one *I* most want to go through first! The Amazon reviews look great!)

If you're looking for self-help Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle" here.

Ecclesiastes Bible Study Cover

7. "Ecclesiastes: Wisdom For Living Well: An In-depth Bible Study" by Courtney Joseph and Beverly Wise

In "Ecclesiastes: Wisdom For Living Well: An In-depth Bible Study," prolific Bible study teacher Courtney Joseph takes readers verse by verse through the book of Ecclesiastes to discover how to stop chasing things that don't matter and learn to live well.

Designed to be thorough, thought-provoking and in-depth–but not too time-consuming–this Bible study does a fantastic job of actually studying Scripture, rather than just the author's own thoughts. This Bible study is perfect for both group and individual studies, and it even comes with supplementary videos, which you can access for free on the author's website.

If you're looking for self-help Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "Ecclesiastes" here.

By the way, "Ecclesiastes" is just one of the MANY Bible studies for women Courtney Joseph has written. You can also find additional books and Bible studies here:

What Love Is Bible Study Cover

8. "What Love Is: The Letters of 1, 2, 3 John" By Kelly Minter

The letters of 1, 2, and 3 John may be short in length, but they are full of spiritual insights for those willing to study them! And that's exactly what you'll do with Kelly Minter's "What Love Is."

Warm, personable and easy to follow, this Bible study will help you study these books more in-depth whether you're completing the study by yourself or with a group. Plus, there are even recipes (and cooking metaphors) scattered throughout the book for a special treat!

If you're looking for Bible study books for women that encourage you to remain faithful to the Truth, learn more and grab your copy of "What Love Is" here.

Steadfast Love Bible Study Cover

9. "Steadfast Love: A Bible Study of Psalm 107" by Lauren Chandler

In "Steadfast Love: A Bible Study of Psalm 107," Lauren takes readers verse by verse through the book of Psalm 107 to show us how we can worship God through both the good times and the bad — whatever life throws our way.

Designed to be completed with a group over several sessions, this study includes additional material for readers to study on their own in between sessions as well. Highly practical with lots of opportunity for research, study and diving deep into the Word itself, this is a great study for women who want to learn to cling strong to God's promises and process everything they are currently going through with a group of caring women.

If you're looking for faith-teaching Bible study books for women, learn more and grab your copy of "Steadfast Love" here.

His Last Words Bible Study Cover

10. "His Last Words: What Jesus Taught and Prayed in His Final Hours" by Kim Erickson

In "His Last Words: What Jesus Taught and Prayed in His Final Hours," Kim Erickson helps readers discover and unpack the importance of Jesus's last words before he left this earth, and what they mean for us today.

Designed as a verse-by-verse 7-week daily Bible study of John chapters 13-17 (as well as portions of 18-21), this study can be done either with a group or individually. It's thought-provoking, in-depth, honest, and it will help Jesus's last words come to life in a real and powerful way!

If you're looking for Bible study books for women about Jesus, learn more and grab your copy of "His Last Words" here.

By the way, Kim Erickson was one of the first guests on the Equipping Godly Women podcast, and I loved hearing her story and her heart as she learned to study Jesus's last words for herself. Definitely worth a listen when you have time! (It had me in tears!)

Do you regularly read through Bible studies as a part of your daily Bible reading? What are the BEST Bible studies for women or BEST women's Bible study books you've found? Leave your recommendations in the comments below!

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